What if we could increase the impact of our efforts on Giving Tuesday without changing anything happening in our outer, physical worlds?


Giving, is one of the most magical spiritual concepts, but we often do it from a place that doesn’t allow us to access this power, for both the giver and the receiver. I believe the intent behind the giving is equal to, if not more powerful than the actual thing (money, time, goods, etc) being given.


Have you ever asked someone for help and they did it… but you could tell they didn’t want to be there and that they were just doing it out of obligation? How did that make you feel? I know for me, it always felt like I would just rather have done it myself or have found someone who genuinely cared to help. Often I felt depleted at the end. They were unhappy and so was I. Yes, the thing I needed help with might have gotten done but both of us were miserable about it.


We live in a world that is fueled by intentions but everyone in it thinks its run by actions. Would you consider the above example a win? I don’t. From the outer world, this looks like a success because the action got done, but from the inner world standpoint, it is anything but a success when both parties feel terrible and may even hold resentments toward each other. 


Now remember a time when someone gave from their heart. Maybe they helped you during a time of crisis or offered a hand when you needed it most. How did that feel for you? I bet amazing.


Deep down, we all want to be of service in the world in a way that is meaningful and true. These moments strengthen our connections to that person, sometimes forever. They show us who are our true, soul friends and who are just along for the ride. The impact giving from the heart has on us is immeasurable and it runs deep.


Before you give today on Giving Tuesday, or any day, look inside and see how it feels for you. Are you excited and can’t wait to donate to your favorite charity? If so, you can stop reading and go straight to donating! You’re already on your way to unlocking the magic.


Or… does it feel like an obligation? Like you are going to have to figure out how to make that amount of money back? Or that it will set you back in life? Do you feel a pit in your stomach? Do you feel like you are losing something?  Or that maybe you SHOULD give because isn’t that what a good person does on Giving Tuesday?


I remember when I used to live in the city and locals would tell me that I’d eventually “get over the homeless.” Even saying this out loud still makes my heart hurt. How could I get over seeing humans who are suffering right in front of me on the daily? My soul wouldn’t leave me alone. These were people who had lost their way and needed some loving energy and resources sent their way. Who was I to judge what they did with the money?


A $5 donation has never changed my life in any meaningful way but has always had the potential to do so in theirs. When I walked past them without giving in some way, even if it was a friendly smile, I felt worse than I did before I passed them. How can that be of service to anyone, including myself? I denied my feelings and everyone was left empty handed.


We often will never see the depth of the impact that we might have on a person. All I know is that I want to be the kind of person who leaves people better than I found them.  All people, even the homeless. I can’t control how my actions are received but I can control how they are given. I can only accomplish this with the right intentions, intentions that come from the heart.


What beliefs or feelings do you need to overcome to access this beautiful place of giving from your heart? Take a look inside and listen. Don’t analyze, judge or shame. Just listen. Your soul will tell you.


And when you’ve found your answers, what can you give today that comes straight from your heart? What act of kindness or giving makes your heart feel like it might explode? Is there a charity whose work speaks to your soul? When you find the answer, go out and do it. The intention behind this kind of giving magnifies its impact and it feels amazing for you too!


The Hunger Project is one of those organizations for me. After reading Lynne Twist’s book, “The Soul of Money”, my heart skipped a beat. Lynne spoke directly to my soul when she described her work there. Everything in my body knew that this was an organization that I wanted to be a part of, so much so that I donate a portion of my business proceeds to it. It felt amazing to hit the submit payment button this morning. Sometimes now, it feels so good to be of service and donate, that I wonder if I’m even giving at all because I, in return, receive so much.


I may never know exactly where my money is allotted to, but I know that somewhere in the world, someone is experiencing less pain because of the people, including me, who came together to make it happen.

And that feels good… for everyone!

Please tell me what ways to give set your heart on fire and how you will be doing more of that today or any day moving forward!

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